1.When is it mandatory to attend a public school in the U.S.? Pre-school? Kindergarten?
2.So,when can you drop out of the public school program? I think it is 16 years old,right?
3.Why do some parents want to home school their children?
7.Why does a parent know that they are qualified to home school their children because there are so many subjects to be taught about?
8.What do you file to the state government if you want to home school your child?
9.When can you file that you will be homeschooling your child before preschool age or what is the minimum age of a child that can begin to be home schooled?
10.What is the punishment if you are caught of not letting your child attend any form of education whether it is public,private,or homeschooling?
11.Do you have to file something if you want your child to attend a private school?
The answers to questions 1, 2, 8, 9, 10, 11 are all determined by the state you live in. In Tennessee, you have to file a paper with the education department. From that point, you are given documentation and you must maintain regular attendance. When I homeschooled my children they had to have instruction for 4-5 hours a day (that's what it equals). The grade levels a parent can teach is determined by the education level of the parent. For example, a parent with a high school diploma can teach up to a certain grade. Sometimes a group of parents will get together and teach. One parent might teach math and another science another English and so on.
I would be very cautious about homeschooling because there are problems when it is time for the child to graduate and go to college. If homeschooling is an option it might be better to homeschool until a certain age and then send them to a regular school. That way your children can enhance their social skills. One concern many crtics have about homeschooling is the lack of social skills. They believe that homeschooling does not teach children how to interact with other children their age. Homeschooling is a big responsibility and requires a great deal of dedication make sure you are willing to do it. As for the state. There is a test that children have to take before they will be considered a high school graduate and as of recent, many colleges are giving homeschooled students a hard time when it comes to acceptance.
I homeschooled my oldest until the sixth grade. She will graduate number 5 in a class of 380. My second homeschooled until the second grade and she is a straight A student. Currently homeschooling youngest. She will go to a regular school in the second grade. It is my opinion that children benefit from homeschooling AND regular school.
Good Luck!
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