1. Distinguish between instream water use and withdrawal use
2. Explain the theory of global warming
3. List some of the possible effects of global warming
4. do u think we should export water to the united states? why? or why not?
First answer...the abbreviation of "geo." can mean geology just as well as geography...anyway...
1. Instream: Water that is used, but not withdrawn, from a surface-water or groundwater source for such purposes as hydroelectric power generation, navigation, water-quality improvement, fish propagation, and recreation. Sometimes called nonwithdrawal use or in-channel use.
Withdrawl Use: Taking water directly from water source and not returning it.
2. The earth is gradually warming up and melting the ice caps, blah blah blah. The earth has warmed up only a few degrees in hundreds of years.
3. Melting ice caps, rising sea levels, erosion, animals dying off, less fresh water from glaciers
4. No, we have plenty of water here for now. Wait until things get desperate then import.
Hope this helps :D
These are actual questions in GEOGRAPHY?...
These should be in Earth or Physical Science, not Geo,,,Gawd D@mn hippies..
OK, here goes-
#1. No Clue
#2. Simply put, that thru CO2 emsissions, humans are causing a green house type effect to raise the ambient temp of the planet.
#3. Ocean levels rising due to polar cap melting, coral reefs dying because of the temp shift, crop decimation due to rainfall conflagaration, et cetera
#5. The US has enough fresh water in its Aquapher system AND salt water reclamation to take care of its self (who is this we who would sell the us water, Canada?)
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